Package TEES :: Package Utils :: Module Download
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Source Code for Module TEES.Utils.Download

  1  import sys, os 
  2  import shutil 
  3  import urllib 
  4  import tarfile 
  5  import tempfile 
  6  import zipfile 
  7  from Libraries.progressbar import * 
  9  pbar = None 
11 -def checkReturnCode(code):
12 if code != 0: 13 print >> sys.stderr, "Non-zero return code", str(code) + ", program may not be working." 14 return False 15 else: 16 print >> sys.stderr, "Return code", str(code) + ", program appears to be working." 17 return True
19 -def getTopDir(path, names):
20 topDirs = [] 21 for item in names: 22 if "/" not in item or (item.endswith("/") and item.count("/") == 1): 23 potential = os.path.join(path, item) 24 if os.path.exists(potential) and os.path.isdir(potential): 25 topDirs.append(item) 26 assert len(topDirs) == 1, (path, topDirs, names) 27 return os.path.join(path, topDirs[0])
28 29 # Modified from
30 -def extractPackage(path, destPath, subPath=None):
31 if path.endswith('.zip'): 32 opener, mode = zipfile.ZipFile, 'r' 33 namelister = zipfile.ZipFile.namelist 34 elif path.endswith('.tar.gz') or path.endswith('.tgz'): 35 opener, mode =, 'r:gz' 36 namelister = tarfile.TarFile.getnames 37 elif path.endswith('.tar.bz2') or path.endswith('.tbz'): 38 opener, mode =, 'r:bz2' 39 namelister = tarfile.TarFile.getnames 40 else: 41 raise ValueError, "Could not extract `%s` as no appropriate extractor is found" % path 42 43 file = opener(path, mode) 44 names = namelister(file) 45 if subPath == None: 46 file.extractall(destPath) 47 else: 48 tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() 49 file.extractall(tempdir) 50 if os.path.exists(destPath): 51 shutil.rmtree(destPath) 52 shutil.move(os.path.join(tempdir, subPath), destPath) 53 shutil.rmtree(tempdir) 54 file.close() 55 return names
57 -def downloadAndExtract(url, extractPath=None, downloadPath=None, packagePath=None, addName=True, redownload=False):
58 # Download 59 downloadFile = download(url, downloadPath, addName=addName, clear=redownload) 60 if downloadFile == None: 61 return None 62 # Unpack 63 print >> sys.stderr, "Extracting", downloadFile, "to", extractPath 64 return extractPackage(downloadFile, extractPath, packagePath)
66 -def downloadProgress(count, blockSize, totalSize):
67 percent = int(count*blockSize*100/totalSize) 68 percent = max(0, min(percent, 100)) # clamp 69 pbar.update(percent)
71 -def download(url, destPath=None, addName=True, clear=False):
72 global pbar 73 74 redirectedUrl = urllib.urlopen(url).geturl() 75 if redirectedUrl != url: 76 print >> sys.stderr, "Redirected to", redirectedUrl 77 if destPath == None: 78 destPath = "/tmp" 79 destFileName = destPath 80 if addName: 81 destFileName = destPath + "/" + os.path.basename(redirectedUrl) 82 if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(destFileName)): 83 os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destFileName)) 84 if clear or not os.path.exists(destFileName): 85 if os.path.exists(destFileName): # clear existing file 86 os.remove(destFileName) 87 print >> sys.stderr, "Downloading file", redirectedUrl, "to", destFileName 88 widgets = [FileTransferSpeed(),' <<<', Bar(), '>>> ', Percentage(),' ', ETA()] 89 pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=100) 90 pbar.start() 91 try: 92 urllib.FancyURLopener().retrieve(redirectedUrl, destFileName, reporthook=downloadProgress) 93 except IOError, e: 94 print >> sys.stderr, e.errno 95 print >> sys.stderr, "Error downloading file", redirectedUrl 96 pbar.finish() 97 pbar = None 98 return None 99 pbar.finish() 100 pbar = None 101 else: 102 print >> sys.stderr, "Skipping already downloaded file", url 103 return destFileName