Package TEES :: Package Utils :: Package InteractionXML :: Module ParseGraph
[hide private]

Module ParseGraph

source code

Program:    Classes for working with parse graphs
Date:       Jan. 31, 2008
Author:     Jari Bjorne

Description: This file contains classes and functions for working with
sentence parse graphs. A parse graph can be created from interaction xml.
The nodes can be modified and assigned attributes like weight, and the
result can be converted into an adjacency matrix. The parse graph can
also be used to generate different paths between its tokens.
Status: All classes and methods should be working.

Dependencies: PorterStemmer (CommonUtils/Stemming)

Classes [hide private]
Represents a single node (either token or dependency) in the parse graph or a path generated by a ParseGraph-object.
A ParseGraph-object consists of tokens and dependencies.
Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'TEES.Utils.InteractionXML'