Package TEES :: Package Utils :: Module DetectHeads
[hide private]

Module DetectHeads

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Functions [hide private]
Returns a dictionary of "entity type"->"entity text"->"count"
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Converts a dictionary of "entity type"->"entity text"->"count" to "entity text"->"entity type"->"(count, fraction)"
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getHeads(corpus) source code
getOverlap() source code
removeHeads(corpus) source code
findHeads(corpus, stringsFrom, methods, parse, tokenization) source code
mapSplits(splits, string, stringOffset)
Maps substrings to a string, and stems them
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findHeadsDictionary(corpus, stringsFrom, parse, tokenization) source code
findHeadsSyntactic(corpus, parse, tokenization)
Determine the head token for a named entity or trigger.
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getEntityHeadToken(entity, tokens, tokenHeadScores) source code
findHeadToken(candidateTokens, tokenHeadScores)
Select the candidate token that is closest to the root of the subtree of the depencdeny parse to which the candidate tokens belong to.
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getTokenHeadScores(tokens, dependencies, sentenceId=None)
A head token is chosen using a heuristic that prefers tokens closer to the root of the dependency parse.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'TEES.Utils'
Function Details [hide private]

findHeadsSyntactic(corpus, parse, tokenization)

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Determine the head token for a named entity or trigger. The head token is the token closest to the root for the subtree of the dependency parse spanned by the text of the element.

  • entityElement (cElementTree.Element) - a semantic node (trigger or named entity)
  • verbose - Print selected head tokens on screen
  • verbose - boolean

findHeadToken(candidateTokens, tokenHeadScores)

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Select the candidate token that is closest to the root of the subtree of the depencdeny parse to which the candidate tokens belong to. See getTokenHeadScores method for the algorithm.

  • candidateTokens (list of cElementTree.Element objects) - the list of syntactic tokens from which the head token is selected

getTokenHeadScores(tokens, dependencies, sentenceId=None)

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A head token is chosen using a heuristic that prefers tokens closer to the root of the dependency parse. In a list of candidate tokens, the one with the highest score is the head token. The return value of this method is a dictionary that maps token elements to their scores.